--- title: "Using RcppEnsmallen in Your Own R Package" author: James Joseph Balamuta abstract: | This vignette describes the best practices for using RcppEnsmallen in your own R package. output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using RcppEnsmallen in Your Own R Package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Overview RcppEnsmallen is best used within an _R_ package. The setup for `RcppEnsmallen`'s use mirrors that of other `Rcpp`-based projects. In particular, the `DESCRIPTION` file requires the `LinkingTo` field and two files inside the `src/` to establish the necessary compilation options. In the next two sections, we show the modifications. ## DESCRIPTION file Open your R package's `DESCRIPTION` file. Ensure that the `LinkingTo` directive is present and contains: ```bash LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo (>= 0.9.800.0.0), RcppEnsmallen (>= ``` ## Makevars inside the src/ Directory Next, the `src/` directory must contain both a `Makevars` and `Makevars.win` file. Each file must have the same contents of: ```bash PKG_CXXFLAGS = $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) PKG_LIBS = $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) $(FLIBS) ``` The `Makevars.win` file provides the appropriate configuration for Windows while `Makevars` acts on Unix-alike systems like macOS, Linux, and Solaris.