Package 'cetcolor'

Title: CET Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps
Description: Collection of perceptually uniform colour maps made by Peter Kovesi (2015) "Good Colour Maps: How to Design Them" <arXiv:1509.03700> at the Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET).
Authors: James Balamuta [aut, cre, cph] , Peter Kovesi [cph] (Creator of CET Color Maps)
Maintainer: James Balamuta <[email protected]>
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Version: 0.2.2
Built: 2024-09-09 02:39:24 UTC

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RGB Value Map of the CET Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps


A list of data.frames that have the RGB values of the CET Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps as released in May 2018 with the original maps released in June 2016.




A list with each entry coded as a data frame with 256 observations and 3 variables:

  • R: Red value

  • G: Green value

  • B: Blue value

The following color maps have been included:

Cyclic Colour Maps

  • c1, formerly: ⁠cyclic_mrybm_35-75_c68_n256⁠

  • c1s, formerly: ⁠cyclic_mrybm_35-75_c68_n256_s25⁠

  • c2, formerly: ⁠cyclic_mygbm_30-95_c78_n256⁠

  • c2s, colorwheel, formerly: ⁠cyclic_mygbm_30-95_c78_n256_s25⁠

  • c4, formerly: ⁠cyclic_wrwbw_40-90_c42_n256⁠

  • c4s, formerly: ⁠cyclic_wrwbw_40-90_c42_n256_s25⁠

  • c5, formerly: ⁠cyclic_grey_15-85_c0_n256⁠

  • c5s, formerly: ⁠cyclic_grey_15-85_c0_n256_s25⁠

Diverging Colour Maps

  • d1, coolwarm, formerly: ⁠diverging_bwr_40-95_c42_n256⁠

  • d1a, long: ⁠diverging_bwr_20-95_c54_n256⁠

  • d2, gwv, formerly: ⁠diverging_gwv_55-95_c39_n256⁠

  • d3, formerly: ⁠diverging_gwr_55-95_c38_n256⁠

  • d4, bkr, formerly: ⁠diverging_bkr_55-10_c35_n256⁠

  • d6, bky, formerly: ⁠diverging_bky_60-10_c30_n256⁠

  • d7, bjy, formerly: ⁠diverging-linear_bjy_30-90_c45_n256⁠

  • d8, formerly: ⁠diverging-linear_bjr_30-55_c53_n256⁠

  • d9, formerly: ⁠diverging_bwr_55-98_c37_n256⁠

  • d10, formerly: ⁠diverging_cwm_80-100_c22_n256⁠

  • d11, formerly: diverging-isoluminant_cjo_70_c25_n256

  • d12, formerly: diverging-isoluminant_cjm_75_c23_n256

  • d13, long: ⁠diverging_bwg_20-95_c41_n256⁠

  • diverging-isoluminant_cjm_75_c24_n256

  • ⁠diverging_gkr_60-10_c40_n256⁠

Isoluminant Colour Maps

  • i1, formerly: isoluminant_cm_70_c39_n256

  • i2, isolum, formerly: isoluminant_cgo_80_c38_n256

  • i3, formerly: isoluminant_cgo_70_c39_n256

Linear Colour Maps

  • l1, gray, formerly: ⁠linear_grey_0-100_c0_n256⁠

  • l2, dimgray formerly: ⁠linear_grey_10-95_c0_n256⁠

  • l3, long: ⁠linear_kryw_0-100_c71_n256⁠

  • l4, long: ⁠linear_kry_0-97_c73_n256⁠

  • l5, kgy, formerly: ⁠linear_green_5-95_c69_n256⁠

  • l6, formerly: ⁠linear_blue_5-95_c73_n256⁠

  • l7, formerly: ⁠linear_bmw_5-95_c86_n256⁠

  • l8, formerly: ⁠linear_bmy_10-95_c71_n256⁠

  • l9, long: ⁠linear_bgyw_20-98_c66_n256⁠

  • l10, formerly: ⁠linear_gow_60-85_c27_n256⁠

  • l11, formerly: ⁠linear_gow_65-90_c35_n256⁠

  • l12, blues, formerly: ⁠linear_blue_95-50_c20_n256⁠

  • l13, kr, formerly: ⁠linear_ternary-red_0-50_c52_n256⁠

  • l14, long: ⁠linear_ternary-green_0-46_c42_n256⁠

  • l15, kb, formerly: ⁠linear_ternary-blue_0-44_c57_n256⁠

  • l16, long: ⁠linear_kbgyw_5-98_c62_n256⁠

  • l17, long: ⁠linear_worb_100-25_c53_n256⁠

  • l18, long: ⁠linear_wyor_100-45_c55_n256⁠

  • l19, long: ⁠linear_wcmr_100-45_c42_n256⁠

  • bgy, ⁠linear_bgy_10-95_c74_n256⁠

  • ⁠linear_bgyw_15-100_c67_n256⁠

  • bgyw, ⁠linear_bgyw_15-100_c68_n256⁠

  • bmw, ⁠linear_bmw_5-95_c89_n256⁠

  • inferno, ⁠linear_bmy_10-95_c78_n256⁠

  • ⁠linear_kry_5-95_c72_n256⁠

  • ⁠linear_kry_5-98_c75_n256⁠

  • ⁠linear_kryw_5-100_c64_n256⁠

  • fire, ⁠linear_kryw_5-100_c67_n256⁠

  • kg, ⁠linear_ternary-green_0-46_c42_n256⁠

Rainbow Colour Maps

  • r1, formerly: ⁠rainbow_bgyrm_35-85_c69_n256⁠

  • r2, formerly: ⁠rainbow_bgyr_35-85_c72_n256⁠

  • r3, formerly: ⁠diverging-rainbow_bgymr_45-85_c67_n256⁠

  • rainbow, ⁠rainbow_bgyr_35-85_c73_n256⁠

  • ⁠rainbow_bgyrm_35-85_c71_n256⁠

Colour Blind

  • cbl1, long: ⁠linear-protanopic-deuteranopic_kbjyw_5-95_c25_n256⁠

  • cbl2, long: ⁠linear-protanopic-deuteranopic_kbw_5-98_c40_n256⁠

  • cbd1, long: ⁠diverging-protanopic-deuteranopic_bwy_60-95_c32_n256⁠

  • cbc1, long: ⁠cyclic-protanopic-deuteranopic_bwyk_16-96_c31_n256⁠

  • cbc2, long: ⁠cyclic-protanopic-deuteranopic_wywb_55-96_c33_n256⁠

  • cbtl1, long: ⁠linear-tritanopic_krjcw_5-98_c46_n256⁠

  • cbtl2, long: ⁠linear-tritanopic_krjcw_5-95_c24_n256⁠

  • cbtd1, long: ⁠diverging-tritanopic_cwr_75-98_c20_n256⁠

  • cbtc1, long: ⁠cyclic-tritanopic_cwrk_40-100_c20_n256⁠

  • cbtc2, long: ⁠cyclic-tritanopic_wrwc_70-100_c20_n256⁠



CET Perceptually Uniform Color Maps


Extract n RGB Hexadecimal colors from the perceptually uniform color maps developed by Peter Kovesi.


cet_pal(n, name = "rainbow", alpha = 1)



A numeric value greater than one indicating how many colors to use from the color map.


A string indicating the color map to use. There are 51 options available. Please see cet_color_maps() for more information. By default, the "rainbow" color scheme is used.


A numeric value between [0,1][0, 1] that indicates the level of transparency.


A character vector containing the RGB hexadecimal representation of the requested color map.


Peter Kovesi. Good Colour Maps: How to Design Them. arXiv:1509.03700 cs.GR 2015


# Grab 8 colors from rainbow or rainbow_bgyr_35-85_c73_n256
colors = cet_pal(8)
plot(1:8, 1:8, col=colors, pch=19, cex=3, xlab="", ylab="")

# Grab 25 colors from coolwarm or diverging_bwr_40-95_c42_n256
colors = cet_pal(25, name = "coolwarm")
plot(1:25, 1:25, col=colors, pch=19, cex=3, xlab="", ylab="")

Display CET Color Maps


Offers a variety of ways to preview CET Color Maps.


display_cet_pal(n = 256, name = "rainbow", alpha = 1)

display_cet_attribute(n = 256, attribute = "rainbow", alpha = 1)

display_cet_all(n = 256, alpha = 1)



A numeric value greater than one indicating how many colors to use from the color map.


A string indicating the color map to use. There are 51 options available. Please see cet_color_maps() for more information. By default, the "rainbow" color scheme is used.


A numeric value between [0,1][0, 1] that indicates the level of transparency.


A character string indicating the attribute. Accepted values are: "rainbow" (Default), "linear", "diverging", "cyclic" "isoluminant", and "colorblind".